Terms and conditions of sale

Terms and conditions of sale


1. General

 1.1 These terms and conditions of sales ("Terms and Conditions") apply to the purchases of products and services from Styrelseakademien Sverige Ideell Förening, corporate organization number 802018-3482, [info@styrelseakademien.se], [070-686 67 15] ("Styrelseakademien"), on Styrelseakademien’s website, [www.styrelseakademien.se], ("Website").

1.2 Styrelseakademien is a nationwide organization that, among other things, provides administrative services to its various local Styrelseakademien member associations ("Local Associations"). The Website and the sale of products and services through it are part of the services that StyrelseAkademien provides to the Local Associations.

1.3 The products and services that can be ordered through the Website are intended to be used for purposes directly related to business activities. Therefore, consumer protection legislation does not apply.

1.4 By placing an order on the Website, the buyer as a private individual or as a representative of a company ("Buyer") agrees and accepts these Terms and Conditions. The Buyer also acknowledges that the Buyer is aware that the purchase involves a liability to pay. The Buyer should ensure that it has read and understood the Terms and Conditions before placing its order.

2. Information on products and services

2.1 Information about the products and services that StyrelseAkademien at any time promotes and sells is available on the Website.

2.2 A membership in Styrelseakademien is personal and valid in the Local Association specified by the Buyer in its order, and is provided on the Terms and Conditions set out on the Website.

2.3 Courses are provided subject to availability and in the manner specified in the course description. Registration is binding for the person specified by the Buyer as participant in the course ("Participant"). In the event the Participant is unable to attend, the booking may be transferred to another person after consultation with Styrelseakademien. What is included in the course fee is stated in the course description. The Participant is obliged to comply with the regulations, instructions and restrictions that may be stated in the course documentation or as communicated by Styrelseakademin in any other way. In the event of cancellation more than thirty (30) days before the start of the course, Styrelseakademien will refund 100% of the course fee; in the event of cancellation between thirty (30) and fourteen (14) days before the start of the course, StyrelseAkademien will refund 50% of the course fee. In case of cancellation less than fourteen (14) days before the start of the course, there will be no refund of the course fee. Styrelseakademien reserves the right to cancel or change the time/place of the course, e.g. in the event of a teacher's inability to attend or if the number of participants is too low. In the event of cancellation of the course, or if the time/place is changed and the Buyer therefore cancels the course, StyrelseAkademin shall refund any fees paid for the course.

3. Prices

3.1 Each product and service is priced in Swedish kronor (SEK) excluding VAT. Statutory VAT will be added to the price and stated in Styrelseakademien's order confirmation. The price of products or services may vary depending on whether the Buyer is a member or not. If the Buyer wishes to take advantage of offers addressed to members, the Buyer must first purchase or hold membership in a Local Association.

3.2 Styrelseakademien reserves the right to change prices without prior notice. The price listed on the Website when the Buyer makes an order is the one applicable to the purchase.

3.3 Shipping costs are added to the products ordered. In the shopping cart, the Buyer can see the total price including all shipping charges before the Buyer accepts the order. See further information on delivery and shipping below under clause 6.

4. Order and order confirmation

4.1 To place an order on the Website, the Buyer, if a private individual must be at least 18 years of age, and if a company be duly registered and otherwise be authorized to enter into contracts, and agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions. The Buyer must identify himself or herself with BankID at the request of Styrelseakademien.

4.2 At the time of ordering, the Buyer will accept these Terms and Conditions in the manner set out on the Website.

4.3 Once the order has been received and accepted, Styrelseakademien will send an order confirmation to the email address provided by the Buyer when placing the order.

5. Payment

5.1 Styrelseakademien accepts payment using the payment methods specified on the Website, including the specified payment cards.

5.2 Styrelseakademien uses Nets for the administration of payments.

 6. Delivery and shipping of products

6.1 Styrelseakademien aims to deliver the Buyer’s ordered products within the time specified in Styrelseakademien’s order confirmation and, if no time is specified, within a reasonable time.

6.2 Due to unexpected events, however, delivery may be delayed. If this occurs, StyrelseAkademien will inform the Buyer of the delay and the new expected delivery date via email. If the delivery is delayed by more than 30 days, the Buyer shall be entitled to cancel the purchase of the products without cost. Cancellation of the purchase is made by the Buyer contacting StyrelseAkademien via the contact information specified in clause 15 below.

6.3 Available shipping options and shipping prices will be stated on the Website before the order is placed.

6.4 Styrelseakademien offers shipping only within Sweden and does not currently make deliveries to other countries. 

6.5 Deliveries that are not picked up from the delivery agent within the specified time will be returned to Styrelseakademien. The Buyer is then charged a fee to cover Styrelseakademien’s costs for shipping and administration related to the order and return.

 7. Complaints and Liability for Defects

7.1 The Buyer has the right to claim compensation for a defect in a product including any transportation damages, within a reasonable time from the time the Buyer discovered the defect, but no later than two years from the date of purchase.

7.2 The Buyer has the right to claim compensation for defects or deficiencies in services, for example, if the content of a training course does not substantially meet the course description, within thirty (30) days. Styrelseakademien is not responsible for defects or deficiencies attributable to the Buyer, the Participant, or products or services from third parties for which Styrelseakademien is not responsible.

7.3 The Buyer shall report any defect or deficiency in the products or services to Styrelseakademien by contacting Styrelseakademien using the contact details set out in clause 15 below. The Buyer's notification shall include a description of the defect or deficiency and, if relevant, pictures of the defective product.

7.4 In the event of a defect or deficiency in the product or service for which Styrelseakademien is responsible, Styrelseakademien shall seek to correct the defect or deficiency without unreasonable delay, e.g. by redelivery of the product or service. If the fault or defect in question cannot or has not been remedied without unreasonable delay, the Buyer is entitled to a reasonable reduction of the price for the product or service, however maximum the amount paid by the Buyer for the product or service.

8. Return

8.1 A product that is to be returned to Styrelseakademien due to a complaint should be returned in the same condition as the Buyer received the product.

8.2 The Buyer is responsible for shipping costs incurred as a result of the return, except in the case of an approved complaint, in which case Styrelseakademien will bear the costs.

9. Personal Data, Cookies and Card Data

9.1 Styrelseakademien or the relevant Local Association is the data controller for the personal data provided by the Buyer in connection with the order, depending on whose products or services the order relates to. Further information on how StyrelseAkademien or the relevant Local Association processes personal data is provided on the Website in connection with the order.

9.2 Styrelseakademien and its sub-contractors, including Nets, use cookies according to the cookie policy.

9.3 The Buyer’s card data is processed and protected in accordance with Styrelseakademien’s rules.

10. Rights

All rights to the products and services provided through the Website and their respective content, including copyright and all other intellectual property rights, belong to StyrelseAkademien, the Local Association and/or third parties with whom StyrelseAkademien has entered into agreement. Copyright and other ownership notices in products and services and related documentation shall be retained by the Buyer and shall not be removed or made unreadable.

11. Force Majeure

Styrelseakademien has the right to postpone the performance of its obligations and is exempt from liability for failure to perform its obligations under the Terms and Conditions, if the performance is prevented, made substantially complicated or unreasonably expensive due to an event outside of the StyrelseAkademien’s control and which StyrelseAkademien could not have reasonably foreseen at the time of entering into the Terms and Conditions. Such a circumstance may for example consist of war or war-like conditions, civil war, mobilization or military call-up of equivalent extent, riots and disturbances, terrorism, sabotage, fire, flood, natural disaster, epidemic, pandemic, interruption of public communications, interruption of the public energy supply, strike, lockout or other general or local labor conflict (even if StyrelseAkademien is a party to the conflict), government decisions, trade-, payment- or currency restrictions, or equivalent circumstances. The same applies if the situation exists for StyrelseAkademien's sub-supplier.

12. Liability

12.1 Beyond what is stated above in clause 7, Styrelseakademien has no liability for products or services. StyrelseAkademien is not liable for factual errors in products or services (including courses) or for any damage that may arise from them. Nor shall Styrelseakademien be liable for any advice or information given to the Buyer by teachers or third parties in connection with courses.

12.2 Styrelseakademien shall have no liability for loss of production, profit, income, consequential loss or any other indirect loss or damage.

12.3 Styrelseakademien total liability to the Buyer, except in cases of gross negligence or intent, is limited to the payment made or due by the Buyer for the products and services purchased. StyrelseAkademien is not liable to anyone other than the Buyer, such as Participants.

12.4 Complaints and other claims must be made in writing and without unreasonable delay from the time the party discovers or ought to have discovered the circumstance giving rise to the claim, at the latest, however, within six (6) months from the occurrence of the circumstance, after which the claim shall otherwise lapse.

13. Miscellaneous

13.1 Styrelseakademien reserves the right to make changes at any time to the range of products or services on the Website and to the Terms and Conditions. The version of the Terms and Conditions that applies to the Buyer's order is the version available on the Website at the time the Buyer places the order.

13.2 Styrelseakademien has the right to subcontract the performance of its obligations under the Terms and Conditions.

13.3 Styrelseakademien reserves the right to assign or pledge payment claims to third parties relating to products or services.

14. Dispute

 14.1 In the event of a dispute, the dispute shall in the first instance be sought to be resolved by agreement. If the dispute remains, the dispute shall be resolved by a general court in Sweden and in accordance with Swedish law.

15. Contact us

If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, the Buyer is welcome to contact Styrelseakademien' as set out below.

Corporate organization number: 802018-3482

E-mail address: info@styrelseakademien.se

Telephone number: 070-686 67 15

Mailing address:Styrelseakademien Sverige
c/o Elements, Jakobsbergsgatan 24
111 44 Stockholm